IF A CHILD CONTINUES their finger or thumb-sucking habit past their toddler years, it can negatively affect the growth of their jaws and the position of their teeth. A Healthy Habit for a Baby or ToddlerThere’s no need to worry about a baby or toddler with a thumb-sucking habit or a pacifier. These are perfectly […]
Read MoreOF COURSE WE SMILE when we feel happy, but there’s evidence to show that the link between smiling and happiness might go both ways — the simple act of smiling can make us feel a little better! Even a fake smile releases endorphins (the feel-good hormone), so it might be worth smiling in the face […]
Read MoreAS PARENTS, EVERY milestone a new baby reaches is incredibly exciting, and sometimes we can get impatient and even start worrying long before we should. To get out in front of that tendency, let’s lay out the average schedule of baby teeth development and eruption. Baby Teeth Development and EruptionThe process of growing teeth (called […]
Read MoreANYONE WHO SWIMS or scuba dives frequently could encounter some unique dental issues if they aren’t careful. Let’s take a closer look at the big ones. Chlorine’s Effect on TeethThe longer teeth are exposed to acidic chlorine ions in pool water, the more likely they are to develop brown or yellow stains. These are called […]
Read MoreDENTAL ANXIETY KEEPS millions of people from seeking dental treatment every year, and it affects kids too. Parents can help their kids develop a positive mindset about the dentist by following a few simple tips: 1. Start EarlyAs soon as a child has their first tooth, they can benefit from seeing the dentist. 2. Play […]
Read MoreGUM DISEASE, TOOTH DECAY, and other oral health problems don’t set in overnight. That’s why it’s so important to have regular checkups and to be diligent with daily oral hygiene habits. If it’s been a while since the last trip to the dentist, here are the top 5 signs it’s time to schedule a quick […]
Read MoreTEETHING CAN BE upsetting for babies and their parents alike! We’re here to help with a few simple teething tips: 1. Learn to spot signs of teething.Typically around the six-month mark, the first teeth will begin to emerge. A teething baby may show behavioral changes that are actually teething symptoms, such as decreased interest in […]
Read MoreTHERE’S A GOOD REASON dental health professionals warn their patients not to chew ice. This habit can cause serious and permanent damage to teeth and gums, so what makes it so addicting in spite of the dangers? A Mental ConditionCompulsive ice eating is called pagophagia. Sometimes it’s a symptom of pica, a psychological disorder in […]
Read MoreMINIMIZING THE RISK of childhood tooth injuries starts with knowing the most common causes of those injuries. Babies and toddlers are most likely to injure themselves by slipping in the bathtub. Non-slip mats are a great precaution! Projectiles like balls and frisbees can easily cause injuries, so make sure to discuss safety and not aiming […]
Read MoreTHE AMERICAN CANCER Society estimates that there will be over 54,000 new oral cancer cases just in 2024. In recent decades, the survival rate of these cancers has risen considerably, and early detection is a huge part of that. That’s why we’re using Oral Cancer Awareness month to educate our patients about oral cancer’s symptoms […]
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